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Nov 6, 2021

Thinking of a home birth? Should you have one? Dr. Candace Howe, a board certified Obstetrician/Gynecologist and partner at HM Medical, chats about the appeal of home births and how you can have an empowered hospital birth. You can find out more about Dr. Howe's practice by clicking here and Hoag Hospital by clicking...

Oct 9, 2021

What role does the intellectual life play in the lives of mothers? Too often mothers are reduced to their emotional life which – while beautiful – does not encompass all that we are. Rachel Bulman chats about how we as mothers are more than how we “feel”, and while we are learning the value of our emotions –...

Sep 22, 2021

Have you experienced an unplanned pregnancy?  What would you do if a friend confided in you that she was pregnant and it was not expected?  Alexa Hyman, founder of Back in February, shares her difficult, yet beautiful and inspiring, journey through an unplanned pregnancy and how motherhood is the best thing that has...

Sep 8, 2021

Do you want a big family? Or, do you want a smaller family but would like to implement some handy tips and tricks that big families have learned? Adele Collins shares her wisdom and practical advice for having more than the average size family.  She has seven children—six plus one on the way. 

Adele shares the joy and...

Aug 25, 2021

Is your child a picky eater? Are you frustrated with meal time?  Is your child always hungry and asking for a snack?  Do you want your child to have a healthy relationship with food and a healthy body image both as a child and adult?  Pediatric dietician Ashley Smith shares the best practical tips on how to properly...